Saturday, 21 December 2024


Peter Mandelson,  former Labour Cabinet Minister,  has been appointed by Never Here Keir as Ambassador to the United States of America.  In days gone by and when in government,  Mandelson managed the unique honour of having to resign from the UK Cabinet in disgrace not only once, but twice.  He is as trustworthy as a snake and  is not known as the Prince of Darkness for nothing.

No wonder Labour voters are deserting the party in droves.  Every local election since Never Here Keir became Prime Minister tells exactly the same thing.  You reap what you sow,  even in politics.

We'll say one thing in favour of Never Here Keir.  He knows exactly how not to run a government.  Every single thing he does is wrong.

Thursday, 19 December 2024


Inflation is now running at 2.6%.  No wonder with this shower of charlatans running the show.  We haven't  heard a cheep about it from either Never Here Keir or that brain-dead woman who is,  occasionally,  thought to be Chancellor of the Exchequer.

The message from the country is simple.  Voters are voting with their feet and deserting this vile,  malicious government now that they see what modern-day Socialism really stands for.

And,  come the next General Election,  whenever that might be,  all those newbie Labour MPs will be looking for alternative employment.  Their only hope is to force Never Here Keir and his Cabinet cronies out the door now.

Tuesday, 17 December 2024


Never here Keir was in Norway yesterday leaving madwoman Angela Rayner  in charge of the country.  Imagine!

Never Here Keir has now visited 16 countries since elected Prime Minister a few short months ago.  That's quite a tally.  He's obviously been taught by former Prime Minister,  Gordon Brown,  to keep as far away as possible when the going gets rough.

Where will Never Here Keir turn up next?

Monday, 9 December 2024


Keir Starmer,  allegedly Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and better known as Never Here Keir,  is off again,  this time to Abu Dhabi,  we believe.  He's hardly ever at post here.

No wonder.  Never Here Keir knows deep down that his government has been a monumental disaster from Day One and that his personal ratings are as low as could possibly be.  He knows that hiding away is,  realistically,  all he can do in such a climate - same as the abjectly useless Gordon Brown did when Prime Minister - and wait for better times to arrive.  That's the trouble with politicians,  they're wildly delusional and can convince themselves of anything,  even that black is,  actually,  white.

In the meantime,  we have to suffer more and more the deranged persona of Never Here Keir's Deputy,  Angela Rayner.  Like virtually everyone else in this accursed, freebie-loving, Cabinet, Angela is a committed liar and utterly devoid of any form of brain material.

Saturday, 30 November 2024


Up until yesterday morning,  The Right Honourable Louise Haigh MP was Transport Secretary in Keir Starmer's abominably awful Government.  Now,  she is no more but the circumstances of both her appointment and departure are shrouded in mystery.

Some 10 years ago,  Louise was accused in a criminal court case over a mobile phone that she alleged had been stolen during a mugging.  It turned out that the phone had not been stolen at all and Louise ended up charged with attempting to pervert the course of justice by lying to the Police.  Nowadays,  Louise maintains that she was Not Guilty all along and that she pled Guilty to the charge only on the advice of her solicitor.

Nonsense,  of course. But if,  indeed,  it is the case that Ms Haigh pled Guilty to a criminal act that she did not commit,  then she is guilty of an even more serious case of attempting to pervert the course of justice.

There are many questions for both Louise and Keir Starmer to answer.  With Cabinet colleagues like Rachel Reeves,  David Lammy, Angela Rayner and Louise Haigh about the place,  Keir Starmer has been guilty of quite extraordinary misjudgement making him utterly unfit to be Prime Minister on this score alone.

They must think that we sailed across The Minch yesterday on a raft.

Monday, 25 November 2024


A week or two back,  Oor Stevie was in the news again,  this time after telling a neighbouring fellow Scottish Nationalist politician that,  in addition to his own Westminster seat,  he was seeking also the nomination for Holyrood MSP in that fellow Nationalist's constituency come the next Scottish Election.   Twa-jobs Stevie in other words.

Not only did Oor Stevie try and force that lady Nationalist MSP out of house and home but also he bagged a massive amount of airtime in the process.  Now,  Oor Stevie tells us that it was all a mistake.

The only mistake we can see is that of the Aberdeenshire electorate that voted this two-bob chancer as MP in the first place.  There is something seriously wrong with this guy,  of that there is no doubt.

Monday, 11 November 2024


Stephen Flynn MP is the shaven-headed,  convict-lookalike,  Leader of the SNP rump at Westminster.  He is also as moronic as they come.

He was photographed yesterday at London's Cenotaph Remembrance Sunday parade defiantly refusing to sing the National Anthem,  God Save The King.  He was the only one there to behave in such a derogatory and disgraceful manner.  If that is how he wanted to conduct himself  he should have stayed well away.

Some people simply have no class whatsoever.  Flynn falls into that category effortlessly.