Friday, 27 December 2024


We are told that Never Here Keir is off again deserting his Downing Street post for the Christmas period.  We have no idea where he's heading for but we can say with certainty it is not here in the Western Isles.  We are too plebian here for the Prince of Socialism.  Indeed,  we would bet gladly our last dime that Never Here Keir has never even heard of the Western Isles.  He'll be off somewhere exotic.

We cannot help but wonder who has paid for this trip and whether Never Here Keir has demanded even more Christmas holiday attire from his benefactor,  Lord Alli?

Never Here Keir epitomises modern-day Socialism at its rotten best.  And have we ever heard a word of criticism from that tribune of the people who represents us at Westminster,  Mr Torcuil Crichton MP?  Has Torcuil suddenly lost his voice?  Does he have any idea just how malignant and poisonous this government actually is?

The very fact that we don't hear a word of criticism from Torcuil means that he is in complete agreenment with all that has been implemented by a government that is detested from one end of the United Kingdom to the other.  The sooner Torcuil realises that his ultimate political masters are the electorate and not Never Here Keir & Company,  the better, but we have grave doubts he's bright enough to understand even those basics.

And what about that present-day Bastion of Socialism in the Western Isles,  the Stornoway Gazette (Editor-at-Large Wilson,  B,  CBE)?  Has it suddenly lost its voice also?

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