Thursday, 13 June 2024


Today,  Keir Starmer and the Labour Party released their Manifesto.  It's  100 pages of drivel with not one genuine,  workable,  commitment in sight.

Here are some of the phrases used in the headlines guff :- 

'Plan For Change;  Strong Foundations;  Mission-Driven Government;  Kickstart Economic Growth;  Serving The Country;  Britian Reconnected'.

It is,  of course, a load of old rubbish designed to con the electorate without frightening the horses.  A fraudster's dream in other words.  Anyone who believes any of it should head for psychiatric assessment straight away.  Remember,  both Starmer and his Deputy,  Angela Rayner, were chief lieutenants of the ghastly Jeremy Corbyn not so long ago and if that fact,  alone,  doesn't scare the electorate then hell mend us,  we will deserve everything we get.

Our other problem with Starmer is that we do not know what he stands for if,  indeed, anything.  In particular, we regard adding VAT to the education of youngsters as a criminal,  class-ridden,  act.   We do know,  however, what Ms Rayner stands for - she is an unremitting,  brain-dead,  class-warrior of the old school,  utterly unfit for government office and with the dress sense of an ape.

At least they are not Scottish Nationalists and for that we must be grateful.

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