Saturday, 18 January 2025


Never Here Keir is now in Poland!  We'll say one thing about the man - Never Here Keir sure does know how to evade his responsibilities and let everyone else take the flak.

Never Here Keir is the best recruiting sergeant both the ghastly Reform Party and the equally-ghastly SNP will ever have.  Heaven sent,  actually.  

The Labour Party is doomed. Mercifully, and thankfully,  Socialism is doomed with it.

Thursday, 16 January 2025


Six months on from the General Election it is time to take a closer look at Never Here Keir's disastrous government.

One Secretary of State,  Louise Haigh MP,  was dismissed following  a newly-discovered criminal conviction of some years ago when she lied to Police over  an allegedly-stolen mobile phone that wasn't stolen at all.  Just the other day,  Never Here Keir's Anti-Corruption Minister,  Tulip Saddiq, was forced to resign over allegedly dodgy dealings involving  a Third World country.

A Prime Minister nicknamed Never Here Keir or Free Gear Keir (take your pick);  a Chancellor knowm variously as Rachel from Accounts or Rachel from Complaints;  a Deputy Prime Minister nicknamed Angela No-Brainer Rayner and a Foreign Secretary so stupid he's referred to as The Village Idiot.  And,  to crown it all,  Never Here Keir has managed the hitherto impossible task of  greatly-increased support for the SNP.

It's quite an achievement in just a few short months.  When a government sinks into ridicule,  the game's a bogey and there is no recovery.

Ask Boris Johnson. 


Never Here Keir is now in Ukraine! 

And he's only just back from Madeira and his Christmas break!

The fur is flying all around Downing Street!

No wonder Never Here Keir is keeping well away!

Thursday, 2 January 2025


Last night,  quite by chance,  we happened to tune into the repeat version of the BBC Alba Hogmanay Broadcast.  It was that bad we simply had to switch off.

The compering by Niall Iain Macdonald and Cathie MacDonald was dire.  We have never seen anything so disastrously awful. That pair should never be allowed anywhere near a television microphone.

And BBC Alba should never have allowed anything this bad to be repeated. 


Sunday, 29 December 2024


We are not really sure what we are writing about here so that,  in that sense,  we are joining the great multitude of journalists the world over who don't know what they are talking about either.  Joining  the club,  in other words.

As far as we can follow,  the WASPI women are ladies of a certain age who claim they were short-changed  by previous administrations over their State pension entitlement.  While in Opposition,  this present Government were fully behind the WASPI women and campaigned actively alongside them.  Now that they are in office,  the Government has said suddenly the game's a bogey and we cannot afford to compensate them after all.  

Sums up in one Never Here Keir's utterly rotten administration.

Friday, 27 December 2024


We are told that Never Here Keir is off again deserting his Downing Street post for the Christmas period.  We have no idea where he's heading for but we can say with certainty it is not here in the Western Isles.  We are too plebian here for the Prince of Socialism.  Indeed,  we would bet gladly our last dime that Never Here Keir has never even heard of the Western Isles.  He'll be off somewhere exotic.

We cannot help but wonder who has paid for this trip and whether Never Here Keir has demanded even more Christmas holiday attire from his benefactor,  Lord Alli?

Never Here Keir epitomises modern-day Socialism at its rotten best.  And have we ever heard a word of criticism from that tribune of the people who represents us at Westminster,  Mr Torcuil Crichton MP?  Has Torcuil suddenly lost his voice?  Does he have any idea just how malignant and poisonous this government actually is?

The very fact that we don't hear a word of criticism from Torcuil means that he is in complete agreenment with all that has been implemented by a government that is detested from one end of the United Kingdom to the other.  The sooner Torcuil realises that his ultimate political masters are the electorate and not Never Here Keir & Company,  the better.

And what about that present-day Bastion of Socialism in the Western Isles,  the Stornoway Gazette (Editor-at-Large Wilson,  B,  CBE)?  Has it suddenly lost its voice also?

Monday, 23 December 2024


One of the lead stories this morning is that there has been no growth whatever in the UK economy since Labour came to power.

We could have told them that for nothing.  Modern-day Socialism at its best.